Monday, September 10, 2007

Birds vs. Fowl Works

First of all, I'm aware that foul and fowl have different meanings. I intend to use the word 'fowl' in discussing the work, doctrine, and tactics of false teachers. I'm sorry if someone doesn't like it, but I don't intend to change that.

Secondly, but more importantly, we need to remember to place the greater emphasis on the works themselves, and not the birds. I have no doubt that God is able and willing to save anyone who will turn to Him at anytime. I expect to see some of these people in heaven, because it would be strange indeed if some of them did not turn to Christ in the last fleeting moments of their lives. Our Savior forgave a thief on another cross. I'm confident that Jesus Christ is mighty to save. Our LORD forgave Simon Peter. He'll restore anyone who will repent.

I think however that it is important to deal with names, faces, times, and places when we talk about heresy and the works of Satan. God said the the sons of Eli were sons of wickedness (1Sa 2:12). Balaam (Num 22-24) was a false prophet and purveyor of curses. The Church is warned about the way of Balaam (2Pe 2:15), the error of Balaam (Jud 1:11), and the doctrine of Balaam (Rev 2:214).

God knows that we relate to names and faces, and that is one of the reasons He put a name and a face on salvation, Jesus Christ.

So don't get lost in the who of heresy, but pay careful attention to the way, the error, and the doctrine.